Alias: Passiflora edulis, Edulis morada, , fruta de la pasión, maracuyá
Sol, riego frecuente (cuando se seque la superficie),proteger mucho de heladas,sujetar bien. Podar regularmente
Sol, riego frecuente (cuando se seque la superficie),proteger mucho de heladas,sujetar bien. Podar regularmente
Resiste solo +1°C . T ideal: 15°- 28°C en verano y 13-18°C invierno.
Una maceta (30cm) estimula la producción de fruta. Semillas fragiles, cuidado al trasplantar.
Sembrar en primavera u otoño
A vigorous vine, especially in the tropics, the passion fruit can grow over 20ft in a single year.
Hardiness: Passion fruit vines are hardy to 32F (0º), so protect from any frosts. They can withstand short drops below 32F but foliage may die back.
Growing Environment: Pruning is a must to keep the vine healthy. Prune off less vigorous growth and occasionally prune back vigorous growth to promote flowering. The long tendrils need lots of support for climbing. When established, and without care, the passion fruit can easily overtake other garden plants, shading them from sun. Flowering occurs from April-November but may occasionally continue year-round if conditions are right. Individual flowers bloom for just 12-24 hours before closing. Flowers will self-pollinate and are followed by green fruit, turning purple when ripe. Fruits usually ripen from flowering in 80 days. The vines love full sun except in climates where the temperature frequently surpasses 100F (38º), vines should be given shade. Water frequently and provide good drainage. Plants are short-lived, usually maintaining good productivity for 4-6 years. Harvest fruits when fruit falls from plant. Fruits are best eaten when wrinkles appear on their surface.
amarilla: se desarrolla muy bien en zonas tropicales; requiere invariablemente más de 1000 mm anuales de lluvia y protección del viento y las heladas, pero es por lo demás más rústica y vigorosa que el maracuyá púrpura Una maceta (30cm) estimula la producción de fruta. Semillas fragiles, cuidado al trasplantar.
Sembrar en primavera u otoño
A vigorous vine, especially in the tropics, the passion fruit can grow over 20ft in a single year.
Hardiness: Passion fruit vines are hardy to 32F (0º), so protect from any frosts. They can withstand short drops below 32F but foliage may die back.
Growing Environment: Pruning is a must to keep the vine healthy. Prune off less vigorous growth and occasionally prune back vigorous growth to promote flowering. The long tendrils need lots of support for climbing. When established, and without care, the passion fruit can easily overtake other garden plants, shading them from sun. Flowering occurs from April-November but may occasionally continue year-round if conditions are right. Individual flowers bloom for just 12-24 hours before closing. Flowers will self-pollinate and are followed by green fruit, turning purple when ripe. Fruits usually ripen from flowering in 80 days. The vines love full sun except in climates where the temperature frequently surpasses 100F (38º), vines should be given shade. Water frequently and provide good drainage. Plants are short-lived, usually maintaining good productivity for 4-6 years. Harvest fruits when fruit falls from plant. Fruits are best eaten when wrinkles appear on their surface.
purpura: mejor adaptada a zonas templadas, por lo que puede cultivarse a mayor altura; sus requisitos de pluviosidad son similares a los de la variedad amarilla. Zone 9 - 12
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